Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Doctor, Please can you talk about COVID . Also COVID and eyes.?


COVID infection as you all know is a viral infection.

It is spread through contact with an infected person.

And yet all of us have to go on with our normal activities.

So firstly wear mask, wear face shield and wash hands frequently.

Bcos severity of infection also depends on viral load (amount) coming at you.

Interact only with people who are wearing mask.

Avoid crowded places.


 Yet, if you do get infected , do not stress out. Not everyone requires hospitalization.

But get your eyes tested. COVID infection is presenting with very rare eyes conditions.


Also due to wearing on mask, a lot of simple lid infections are on the rise.

Wash your eyes , especially lid margins, with mild soap water.

Wash the eyes.

Moisturize the eyes.

And if infected by a simple eye infection, see a eye doctor.

Also due to increased screen time, the children will have a lot of eye complains and maybe rapid increase in spectacle power.

See your Kids Eye Doctor.