Tuesday, 25 June 2019

What is NLD obstruction, that my 2 month old child has ?

Tears are continuously produced in our eyes.
For lubrication and vital health of the eyes.

There has to be some passage to take away these tears.
That passage is called NLD.
Nasolacrimal  duct.
There is a tube connecting the nose side of the eye with the nose.
Your tears travel through this tube, into nose, then into your throat and eventually your stomach.

In very young babies, sometimes (in a very small percentage) this passage is blocked or rather has not opened up yet.
You will notice continuous redness in the eyes of the baby and watering.
In majority of such babies the passage will eventually open up.
No major treatment or surgery will be necessary.
But you have to show your Kids Eye Doctor.
The doctor will suggest some drops and a nose massage. The block will eventually open up in about a month or two.
If it doesn’t we are looking at a minor surgery or a major.
But this is required only in a very minor percentage.

See the Kids Eye Doctor immediately.

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